Maritime Department

Master of Science (MSc) in Maritime Law

Key Feature

Code                              MMSC207

Modules                        13
Duration                       13 months
Registration                 Any time
Teaching                       Distance learning
Credits                           96

Tuition Fees                 $7,500

The MSc course in Maritime Law is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the maritime industry, shipping management, and the legal framework governing the use of the world’s oceans. This program aims to equip graduates with a highly specialized skill set, making them well-suited for senior positions within various sectors of the maritime industry. Students will also have the opportunity to work on project reports and a dissertation, allowing them to apply their knowledge to real-world situations.

The main objectives of this MSc course are:

  • To provide students with a solid foundation in the principles and practices of maritime and shipping management, as well as the legal aspects of ocean use.
  • To develop students’ critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills in the context of the maritime industry.
  • To equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to analyze and evaluate complex maritime management situations.
  • To prepare students for successful careers in the maritime industry or related fields, such as policy-making, research, and consulting, by offering a unique blend of professional and academic courses that enable them to rapidly adapt to employer needs and respond effectively and creatively to emerging issues.

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the MSc in Maritime Law program, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of maritime law, including shipping, marine environment protection, and marine insurance.
  • Analyze and apply legal principles and frameworks to real-world maritime scenarios and case studies.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness and implications of international maritime conventions and national legislation in addressing maritime issues.
  • Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, on matters related to maritime law and policy.
  • Conduct independent research and produce a high-quality dissertation on a relevant topic in maritime law.
  • Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills required for a successful career in the maritime sector.

1. Introduction to shipping
1. Shipowning company’s departments and maritime jobs part I
2. Maritime job s, part II
3. Nautical terminology
4. Shipping terminology, ship’s tonnage

2. Types of ships, Nationality of ships, international organizations
1. Types of ships I
2. Types of ships, part II, Ships demolition
3. Nationality of ship and ships under flags of convenience, Piracy and Hot pursuit
4. International Maritime Organization (IMO) and key conventions of the IMO

3. Introduction to Marine Insurance, Chartering and Classification Societies
1. The commonly used marine insurance terms
2. Contract of sales, Charter parties and Bills of lading
3. Cargo terminology, Cargo operation
4. Classification society and the International Safety Management code (ISM)

4. Port Management, Shipbroking, Voyage Estimation
1. Vessel’s port expenses
2. Shipbrokers and agents
3. The Baltic Exchange – Associated shipping organizations
4. Voyage Estimation, Part 1

5. Management of the Marine Environment
1. MARPOL 1973/1978
2. The London Dumping Convention (LDC) 1972 and Protocol 2006
3. Air pollution
4. Management of ballast water pollution
5. Wreck removal

6. Shipping Law I
1. Hague rules, Hague/Visby rules and case studies
2. Case studies on Carriage of Goods by Sea
3. Exceptions, limitation of liability
4. Documents of sea transportation

7. Shipping Law II
1. English legal system
2. Alternative Disputes Resolution (ADR), mediation
3. Arbitration, Arbitration Act 1996
4. Ethics in arbitration
5. Aspects of arbitration proceedings

8. Project
3,000 words
9. Law of the Sea I
1. Evolution of the Law of the Sea
2. Geneva Conventions 1958 and the Law of the Sea Convention 1982
3. Maritime Zones, Normal baselines, Baselines of special circumstances, Internal waters, Jurisdiction over foreign ships in ports, Case study
4. Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone, Delimitation of the Territorial Sea, Innocent passage

10. Law of the Sea II
1. Straits used for International Navigation, Transit passage, Straits of Special Regime, Panama Canal, Suez Canal, The Turkish Straits
2. Exclusive Economic Zone, Delimitation of the Exclusive Economic Zone, Case study of delimitation in the Eastern Mediterranean. Geomorphic and Legal Continental Shelf, The Continental Shelf of islands
3. Archipelagos, Archipelagic States, Archipelagic waters, Archipelagic Sea-lanes passage
4. High Seas, Freedom of the High Seas, Jurisdiction, Penal jurisdiction in matters of collision and case study, Unauthorized broadcasting, Slavery, Right to visit, Illicit traffic in narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances
11-13. Dissertation
• 15,000 words

Entry Requirements

Bachelor of Science (BSc) or other Higher Education degree, or experienced professionals.

English language: GCSE English Language grade 4/C – IB grade 4 Higher Level. If your first language is not English, you will need an IELTS of 6.0 overall, with 5.5 in each component, or a related certificate of English language course. Proficiency or Lower Certificate in English, or good writing and communication skills in English (at the discretion of the Committee).

Basic Information Technology skills.

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Straightforward way of teaching


Worldwide telematic study. No need to attend physically in the class. You watch the lectures in video form, any time you would like and many times as you need. The speech of every video lecture is written in text form, by including the figures and the highlights of the lecture. You interact with the lecturers and tutors in electronic form.

Watch Videolectures


Assignment & Project


Final viva (live video)


Get your Degree awarded


Career - Maritime Jobs

Academic staff consisting of professionals with significant career at sea and generally in the shipping industry, being in collaboration with special academic personnel highly expertize in business and the international maritime affairs. Below are the maritime jobs, that our courses prepare you.


Our students, regardless their professional origin and their academic level, acquire the necessary knowledge which gives them the opportunity to get an outstanding job position in shipping and rise to the highest levels of the maritime industry.  

Ready to get started?
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99 Wall Street
Suite# 2838
New York, NY
10005, USA
Tel. +1 646 980 5595 (NY)
+44 204 577 1704 (LON)
+30 211 2344 636 (ATH)
+85 280 0906 442 (HKG)

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Registration No: 25227 IBC 2018, Orion University Ltd,
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines, Central America.

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